What is Shilajit

Shilajit is made up of plant and metal components found in the upper parts of the Himalayan hills. It is a natural mineral substance that looks like a sticky stone. It is later filtered and used. According to Ayurvedic experts, Shilajit is truly a medicine to increase male potency or sex power. In this article, we are telling you in detail about the benefits, disadvantages, and methods of consumption of Shilajit.

Benefits of Shilajit (Shilajit Benefits and Uses)

Many people have this misconception that Shilajit is used only to increase sexual ability or sex power. Whereas Ayurvedic experts say that Shilajit is very effective in increasing the internal strength of the body and its ability to fight diseases. You can use it as an immunity booster supplement. Let us know in detail about other benefits of Shilajit:

Shilajit helps increase stamina (Shilajit increases Sex Power in men)

If you feel weakness during intercourse or are troubled by problems like erectile dysfunction, then you should consume Shilajit. According to Ayurveda, eating Shilajit increases the fertility of men and also removes the weakness felt during sex. It also increases testosterone levels in men.

Shilajit provides relief from joint pain (Shilajit reduces Joints Pain)

Shilajit is very beneficial for patients suffering from arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Ayurvedic doctors said that Shilajit has anti-inflammatory properties. Its regular consumption provides relief from joint pain and swelling.

Shilajit helps in increasing sperm count.

Lack of sperm is a serious disease which is called oligospermia in medical language. This disease has a direct impact on the fertility of men and in such a situation, men find it difficult to have children. Shilajit not only increases your fertility but also removes the decrease in sperm count. Apart from this, it improves sperm quality.

Shilajit provides relief from problems related to asthma and allergy (Shilajit for Asthma and Allergy)

Due to increasing pollution, the number of asthma and allergy patients is increasing day by day. If you are also an asthma or allergy patient then you should consume Shilajit as per the doctor’s advice. Keep in mind that it is not effective in case of an asthma attack, but its regular consumption reduces the symptoms of asthma.

Shilajit strengthens bones (Shilajit for Bone Health)

To keep the body healthy, it is very important to have strong bones. Due to the weakening of bones, it becomes difficult to carry out activities of daily living. According to Ayurvedic doctors, regular consumption of Shilajit strengthens bones. Consuming Shilajit in old age reduces the chances of diseases related to bone weakness such as osteoarthritis.
Shilajit is useful for diabetic patients (Shilajit for Diabetes)
Anti-diabetic properties are found in Shilajit. If you are a diabetic patient then you should consume Shilajit regularly as per the advice of the doctor. By eating this, blood sugar remains controlled and other symptoms of diabetes are reduced.

Eat Shilajit to relieve fatigue (Shilajit for Stamina)

Some people get so tired working all day in the office that they have no energy to do anything in the evening. Some people get tired even after doing a little hard work. For such people, Shilajit is no less than a boon. If you consume Shilajit regularly, your energy level remains high throughout the day and you get rid of the problem of fatigue.

Consume Shilajit to increase immunity (Shilajit boosts immunity)

After the Covid pandemic, the trend of eating things that increase immunity has increased a lot among people. According to Ayurvedic experts, Shilajit is a natural immunity booster. Shilajit not only increases physical strength but also increases the ability to fight diseases. Eating it regularly in limited quantity protects against seasonal diseases like cold and flu in winter.

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Shilajit reduces the effects of aging (Shilajit for Reducing anti-aging effects)

Nowadays, due to deteriorating lifestyles, people have started showing signs of old age before their age. Shilajit keeps you young by increasing physical ability and virility and reducing aging effects. With its regular consumption, you do not get tired easily as you grow older and your energy level remains like youth. It also reduces the effects of aging on the skin like wrinkles etc.
How to Use Shilajit Capsule

Seeing the benefits of eating Shilajit, many people want to consume it but the question arises in their mind when should Shilajit be eaten or how should it be eaten? According to Ayurvedic doctors, take one capsule of Shilajit with lukewarm milk before sleeping at night.
If you do exercise or workout, you can take a capsule of Shilajit before working out. If you want to consume Shilajit for any disease, then first contact a doctor.
Note: Keep in mind that Shilajit should be consumed only in limited quantities and for any dosage-related advice, contact an Ayurvedic doctor.

Side Effects of Shilajit

Generally speaking, Shilajit is a Kritik medicine and it has no side effects but seeing its benefits like increasing sex power or testosterone level, some people start misusing Shilajit. Consuming Shilajit in excessive quantity may cause some side effects.
Taking excessive amounts can cause problems like headaches and nausea. Due to its hot nature, consuming it in excess may make you feel extremely hot. Therefore, never consume Shilajit in more than a limited quantity.

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